Okay, I’ve chosen today’s project to try and contribute to. I went to a talk at Staffs Web Meetup where James Brooks presented Cachet, a PHP application for running a status page — those pages like http://status.github.com/ which show you if a service is having problems and when they’re likely to be fixed.

At the time I remember asking about components and dependencies - I wanted to be able to mark something like a router or power distribution unit down and have any affected customers see it on their page, while smaller failures wouldn’t show for customers who weren’t affected.

Actually, we have relatively few outages, thankfully, and haven’t ever needed something quite as detailed as Cachet — so I shelved the idea and didn’t even get around to installing it. I did grab a nice sticker for my laptop, though.

Well, it’s time to earn that sticker. I’ve found a reasonably sized issue with no PR attached: #496. API tokens are currently one per user, but it would be better if users could have more than one. I don’t know Laravel, but I think I could do this!

Step #1: Get PHP installed. Cachet currently requires a PHP newer than 5.5.9 (Laravel have dropped support for 5.5 altogether upstream). Ubuntu Wily has a new enough one, and I grabbed the packaged Composer while I was there.

apt-get install php5 php5-gd php5-mcrypt composer

Step #2: Follow the excellent installation instructions. I want some test data so I’ve also run php artisan cachet:seed to get fixtures.

Okay, now I’m at the point I’m going to have to read things. The database access layer seems to be called Illuminate and the documentation looks good. It seems like I’ll need to create a migration to move the API keys from the User model onto a new API Key model, but – I’m going to need to create that new model first.

I don’t want to do too much reading, so I’ll poke around some code. Component and Incident models have a parent-child one-to-many relationship. It looks like this is done by an incidents() method on the Component and a component() call on the Incident.

124     public function incidents()
125     {
126         return $this->hasMany(Incident::class, 'component_id', 'id');
127     }

135     public function component()
136     {
137         return $this->belongsTo(Component::class, 'component_id', 'id');
138     }

This belongsTo/hasMany stuff seems cool. An alternative to using decorators or introspection to build an ORM.

I’ve created an ApiKey model based off of User, and added methods to both which mirror the two above. [Commit]

That went okay. I suppose the next thing is to get these keys visible on the front end. A bit of digging gets me this .blade.php file, which looks a bit like twig or Jinja, but with extra syntax.

I’ve created a for loop to iterate over the apiKeys using that method I just added, and made up a format for the API call to delete a key. [Commit]

As a bonus, it looks like the wording for revoking a key is already in the translations file. Perhaps it was called “revoke” before “regenerate”, in the past?

I’m not quite at the point of writing data in using the models or a factory, so let’s cheat and put data directly into the database:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE api_keys (id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    api_key VARCHAR NOT NULL);
sqlite> INSERT INTO api_keys VALUES (1, 1, 1, "FOOBAR");

A quick refresh of the page (after a php artisan app:update) shows our FOOBAR in all of it’s glory. To make the revoke button work I’ve added a route and changed the regenerate method to one that deletes the API key. [Commit]

That works too, but now I’m out of time. I’m not going to get this pull request finished tonight, but at least I have gotten a good grip on the problem.

Laravel actually seems really nice, and if I ever saw myself writing an application in PHP again, I would consider using it as a base. Cachet is a nicely structured app, with good documentation and it seems really easy to get started with development on it.