
So, I went and developed a small futures implementation in Python (here), only to find that one already exists. Oh, well. Mine’s shorter :).

The reason I really wanted to write it was to try to illustrate “tipping points”, and how learning different languages can really expand how you develop in others.

When I started learning Python, the ubiquity of lists, tuples and dictionaries really impressed me. I found that there were countless places to use them, whereas in Java I would have previously gone and created a new class.

I learned Java before Python, and its idea of OO had become “the” idea of OO in my head. I had to go learn that you don’t need complicated hierarchies in OO Python - because duck typing allows you to side-step the static typing issues in many cases.

In my code, things only inherit if they actually have to re-use functionality, but in Java I had lots of abstract classes and interfaces so that I could make (say) lists of Action objects.

That kind of subtle difference makes up a lot of the speed advantages that people cite when moving to Python. But that’s not what I want to talk about- I want to talk about the advantages learning Python brings to Java.

Java has a pretty complete collections system (except for lacking a Bag), but the lack of a short-cut syntax has grated on me as someone used to how easy using collections is in Python/Perl/Ruby.

It also has something vaguely like closures- anonymous inner classes. These are a lot more work that their dynamic equivalents, because you need to define the interface that they will respond to first, and the syntax is ugly, but they have roughly the same effect.

Taking a leaf out of Rails’ book (though I hadn’t seen Rails at the time I was working on this project), I moved the mapping to code, rather than XML files, and dispatch based on HashMaps. Each class has something like the following:

    public class LoginPage extends Page {
        public static void loginAction(State p) throws Exception {
        public void addHandlers(Map handlers) throws Exception {
            handlers.put("/Login", new DisplayAction("login"));
                    new SimpleAction() {
                        public void invoke(State p) throws Exception {

Notice the extremely odd syntax for accessing the outer class, LoginPage.this.

The controller does:

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        handlers = new HashMap();
        try {
            new LoginPage().addHandlers(handlers);
        try {
            if(handlers.containsKey(pi)) {
                SimpleAction action = (SimpleAction)handlers.get(pi);
            } else {

Perhaps this is standard Java practice, and I’m just really slow. I’m certainly not saying it’s revolutionary, but I decided to use this approach after being spoiled by Python’s first-class functions. It’s a dynamically inspired static program.

From a negative point of view, from a Java purist stand-point, I now tend to use a lot of static methods. I think this is because I’ve realised that I spend a lot of time trying to map simple concepts onto objects, when really they are just bunches of functions. To this end, there are definitely classes in my code that just resemple Python modules.

Now, as long as the Controller is updated with each new Page class, each Page is responsible for its own mappings.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to get a listing of classes in a package through reflection; please comment if you know how. If I could have done that, just creating a new class would have added it to the mappings, which would be cooler still.

My Java code now-a-days is littered with Java versions of Python idioms. The code is still perfectly legible to other Java programmers, because it’s just Java.